Renaissance Reizen (I) Pvt. Ltd

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Gujarat Travel

gujratGujrat rich in crafts, history and natural beauty, the remarkable coastal state of Gujrat --- the home state of Mahatma Gandhi --- continues to attract artists, scholars, the intellectual elite and businessmen from the world over. Amongst a tantalizing wealth of appealing possibilities which facet, which area does one begin exploring first ?. Ahmedabad, its busiest city, perhaps, which blends and reflects the chequered past, the vibrant present and a hopeful future.

In the old walled city of Ahmedabad are monuments and narrow, teeming bylanes which still successfully keep alive an ancient, precious heritage. Punctuating the skyline, are the tall factory chimneys of more than 60 textiles mills which rely on sophisticated technology. Many of the most renowned names in the textile industry can be found at Ahmedabad.

Ahemdabad was established on the left bank of the river Sabarmati river in 1063 - 1093 A.D. by King Karna Solanki. Later, Sultan Ahmad Shah, the founder of the Ahmadshahi Dynasty in Gujrat, pitched camp on the banks of the Sabarmati and was so influenced by the site that he decided to develope it into his capital. The city that began to take shape was thus named Ahmedabad after its founder

The majority of even the earliest monuments that date back to 1411 A.D. --- the year Ahmedabad was so christened are replete with ancient flavours intermingling with the hustle and bustle of modern day life. The spurt of architectural activity that began roughly from the period of Ahmad Shah was sustained and often embellished by successive rulers.

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